Copper Rod, 1/2 inch diameter, C10100


Author: Maddy25
Kind: product
Build: 2.2
Size: 119.57KB
Uploaded: 2019-06-07

Copper Rod, 1/2 inch diameter, C10100

A spool of 1/2 inch copper rod (C10100 alloy). This type of rod is often used by wire manufacturers (they draw the copper down to smaller diameters and coat it with insulation). Each spool weighs 6000 kg (13,200 lbs).

The product does have a visible mesh courtesy of Dave Westwood (it's the same mesh used in his LMS 1 Cable Drums product [kuid:187586:117]).

[polygons= 1000 per spool, textures = 0.19 MB]

Author: Maddy25

    Copper Rod, 1/2 inch diameter, C10100
  • $screenshot_240-180$.jpg 13.82KB
  • config.txt 2.74KB
  • copperrod-12_icon.tga 12.53KB
  • 108.42KB
  • flat_car.texture.txt 31 bytes
  • flat_car.tga 192.53KB

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