Author: | atilabarut |
Kind: | drivercommand |
Build: | 2.5 |
Size: | 19.22KB |
Uploaded: | 2022-05-13 |
Loadings: |
A driver schedule command to hold driver schedule command until certain conditions for a selected session variable is reached. These conditions are chosen from the command's menu list and they be inserted into the menu through InputTable rule (kuid:131986:1012) available on DLS. Simply download and install InputTable rule and type the following on a new line:
Here, 'svar' is a command name that only be recognized by the driver schedule command; 'SVNAME' is the session variable name; 'SVCOND' represents an inequality statement to compare the session variable against a constant. The inequality statement takes one of the following: 'eq' (equal), 'gt' (greater than), 'lt' (less than), 'ge' (greater than or equal to), and 'le' (less than or equal to); and finally 'SVNUm' is an integer constant used for comparison of the session variable.
ex: svar,myvar,eq,0 (equivalent to saying 'wait until myvar=0' to the driver)
ex: svar,myvar,gt,5 (equivalent to saying 'wait until myvar>5' to the driver).
After typing as many such conditional statements as desired in InputTable rule editor, they will show up in the driver's command menu.
Important: session variables must be assigned integer numbers only. Be aware of that.
NOTE: This command is identical to WaitUntilSVariables command in TRS2004
Author: atilabarut
- WaitUntilSVariable
- config.txt 4.54KB
- thumbnail.jpg 7.90KB
- waituntilsvariable.texture.txt 89 bytes
- waituntilsvariable.tga 64.02KB
- waituntilsvariablecommand.gs 4.54KB
- waituntilsvariableschedulecommand.gs 4.21KB
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