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Author: atilabarut
Kind: drivercommand
Build: 2.4
Size: 31.10KB
Uploaded: 2019-09-17


A driver command for throttle-controlled custom driving through a selected TRACKMARK object. The procedure is as follows. (1) Navigate the train's way to the selected TRACKMARK object either by manually switching the junctions or by using Mutton's PATH rule and SETPATH command. (2) Use ResetTrainDirection, SwitchDCCGear, and/or SetDCCThrottle commands if necessary to set your train to correct moving direction and desired throttle speed. (3) Apply TCDriveViaTrackmark2 command to drive the train through the TRACKMARK object. Depending on the menu choices, the driver schedule command ends on two occurrences. If 'Enter' option is chosen along with the TRACKMARK object, the schedule will end once the train enters the TRACKMARK's trigger area. On the other hand, if 'Leave' option is chosen along with the TRACKMARK object, the schedule will end once the entire train leaves the TRACKMARK object's trigger area. The trigger radius determines the boundary of the trigger area for approaching trains, and it is adjustable in Surveyor using the advanced trigger option. The default trigger radius is 20m.

PREREQUISITE: SetDCCThrottle command
OPTIONAL: ResetTrainDirection, SwitchDCCGear
RECOMMENDED: Mutton's PATH rule and SETPATH command.
NOTES: Check out SetDCCThrottle command to find out how you adjust the throttle level. A throttle level must previously be issued by SetDCCThrottle command before using this command; otherwise, your train may not move.

This command comes with Shuntn' and Cruisn' Pack, Number 3, which includes

TCDriveViaTrackmark2, TCDriveViaTrigger, TCDrivePastJunction,
SplitConsist, and APSetTrainDirection

Also, Shuntn' and Cruisn' Pack, Number 2 contains

VCDriveViaTrackmark2, VCDriveViaTrigger, VCDrivePastJunction,
APDriveViaTrackmark, APDriveViaTrigger, APDrivePastJunction,

and the original pack contains

VCDrive, VCDriveViaTrackmark, VCDriveToTrackmark, VCouple,
TCDrive, TCDriveViaTrackmark, VCDriveToTrackmark, TCouple,
SetDCCThrottle, SwitchDCCGear, ResetTrainDirection, SetTargetSpeed,
DefineSpeedProfile, CommWithTTable, and WorkTable (rule)

Author: atilabarut

  • config.txt 3.26KB
  • shuntnandcruisnpack.jpg 10.49KB
  • tag.tga 64.04KB
  • tcdriveviatrackmark2.texture.txt 41 bytes
  • 2.69KB
  • 4.36KB

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