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Author: atilabarut
Kind: drivercommand
Build: 2.4
Size: 9.66KB
Uploaded: 2019-07-06


A driver schedule command to hold driver schedule command until certain conditions for a selected session variable is reached. These conditions are chosen from the command's menu list and they be inserted into the menu through the WorkTable rule (kuid:131986:230102) available on DLS. Simply download and install the WorkTable rule and add a new line with the following command style template:


Here, 'svar' is a command name that only be recognized by the driver schedule command; 'SVNAME' is the session variable name; 'SVCOND' represents an inequality statement to compare the session variable against a constant. The inequality statement takes one of the following: 'eq' (equal), 'gt' (greater than), 'lt' (less than), 'ge' (greater than or equal to), and 'le' (less than or equal to); and finally 'SVNUm' is an integer constant used for comparison of the session variable.

ex: svar,myvar,eq,0 (equivalent to saying 'wait until myvar=0' to the driver)

ex: svar,myvar,gt,5 (equivalent to saying 'wait until myvar>5' to the driver).

After typing as many such conditional statements as desired on the WorkTable editor, they will show up in the driver's command menu and then the user select one of them.

PREREQUISITE: WorkTable rule
NOTES: session variables take integer numbers only. Be aware of that.

Author: atilabarut

  • config.txt 2.50KB
  • tag.tga 64.04KB
  • waituntilsvariable.texture.txt 41 bytes
  • 4.54KB
  • 4.21KB

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