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Author: atilabarut
Kind: drivercommand
Build: 2.4
Size: 60.02KB
Uploaded: 2019-09-17


DriveCustomSchedules release 1.20 is designed to create custom schedules for the drivers of TRS2004. Although this command requires a script file (as part of a library asset) to be externally created by the user, template script and config files (in HTML format) along with a user's manual explaining how to create a library asset and call from DriveCustomSchedules command are provided as a seperate HTML asset available on DLS (please download; name: DCS1_20_MANUAL, KUID:131986:175000). At the appropriate places of the template script file, the user is supposed to type the names of the schedules and a set of driver orders/tasks whose detailed descriptions are given in the user's manual (DCS1_20_MANUAL.htm). Furthermore, sample routes with sessions and library assets are available on DLS that demonstrate the usage of the driver orders implemented in DriveCustomSchedules command (their kuid numbers are given in the REVISION HISTORY below).

In the command's root directory, there is also a folder called TEMPLATE where the template files are located. These files are named as 'templateconfigfile.txt' and 'templatescriptfile.txt'. Following the instructions in the user's manual, you will need these files to create the library asset that will be used by DriveCustomSchedules command.

DriveCustomSchedules VERSION 1.20:

- added new driver orders (commands):

callsch (call and execute a schedule within the library asset)
delete (delete train)
derail (derail train)
extsig (force/change signal state to one of the extended signal states, if applicable)
hhorn (honk locomotive's horn repeatedly)
hlights (turn on/off locomotive's headlight)
pantog (raise/lower locomotive's pantographs)
signal (force/change signal state to one of the basic signal states)
srnum (assign/reassign running number to a vehicle in a train, including the locomotive)

-updated the following commands

gperms, jperms, and jtperms now contain an optional input parameter that defines the type of the permit set, i.e., directional or exclusive (default).

- included in the pack are the following session and library asset where this command is used

TestNewDriverOrders (session, kuid:131986:241522. Used in map RuralArea, kuid:131986:241366)
ScheduleLibraryForNewDriverOrders (library asset, kuid:131986:175016)

DriveCustomSchedules VERSION 1.15:
- minor bug fixes
- added new driver orders (commands):
jtperms (get a NAMED permit set to control a track path)
release (release the NAMED permit set granted by jtperms command)
switchj (switch a named junction to a specified junction direction; no permits needed)
tpatmrk (get a NAMED permit to hold a track piece at a trackmark; release the permit with release command)
wutime (driver waits until a scheduled game time in hours and minutes is reached; useful for scheduling trains' departure times)
- included in the pack are the following small map with a session and a library asset used by this command:
VirtualWorldOfContainers (layout; kuid:131986:241292)
ContainerDeliveryNew (session; kuid:131986:241293)
SchedulesForContainerDeliveryNew (library asset; kuid:131986:175014)

DriveCustomSchedules VERSION 1.1:
- added new driver commands
jperms (will obsolete gperms in the future)
advscn (AP mode)
dviascn (VC mode)
tdvscn (TC mode)
advjnc (AP mode) (will obsolete adpjnc in the future)
dviascn (VC mode) (will obsolete dpjnc in the future)
tdvjnc (TP mode) (will obsolete tdpjnc in the

Author: Atila Barut

  • config.txt 6.66KB
  • drivecustomschedules.jpg 13.64KB
  • drivecustomschedules.texture.txt 41 bytes
  • drivecustomschedulescommand.gse 5.22KB
  • drivecustomschedulesschedulecommand.gse 15.55KB
  • tag.tga 64.04KB

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