Author: | atilabarut |
Kind: | drivercommand |
Build: | 2.4 |
Size: | 30.63KB |
Uploaded: | 2019-09-17 |
Loadings: |
A driver schedule command to issue speed profile for locomotives. The parameters issued in this command are then used prior to issuing SetTargetSpeed and any of the velocity-controlled driving commands, which are VCDrive, VCDriveToTrackmark, and VCDriveViaTrackmark. This command is highly recommended for achieving quality driving with the velocity-controlled driving methods. In order to define the speed profiles issued by this command the WorkTable rule must be used. In the WorkTable editor, add a new line and define the speed profile in the following format:
sp, n=<profile name>, p=<velocity at 100%throttle>:<75%>:<50%>:<25%>, i=<speed increment>, t=<time for speed increment>
where 'n' defines the profile name and p defines the velocity of the locomotive at full, three quarters, half, and quarter throttle levels. They can easily be obtained by running the vehicle at manual control mode and recording the steady speed of the locomotive at these four throttle levels. In the command line above, 'i' and 't' are used to give custom acceleration/deceleration to the vehicle as they change their current speeds to target speeds. Here, 'i' and 't' define the amount of increase/decrese in speed (i.e., 'i') at a given time interval, 't'.
Ex. sp, n=profile 1, p=121:71:36:7, i=10, t=15
In this example, the name of the profile is 'profile 1' and the speed profile is specified as 121kph as the maximum speed and 71, 36, and 7kph at three quarters, half, and quarter throttle levels. The speed will be increased/decteased by 10kph every 15 seconds from the current speed to the target speed whenever new target speeds are issued by the SetTargetSpeed command.
PREREQUISITE: WorkTable rule.
NOTES: Using the WorkTable rule you can define as many speed profiles as you want and assign them to the same driver (or other drivers) at different levels of the game. Issuing the current speed profile always overrides the previously defined one.
Author: atilabarut
- DefineSpeedProfile
- config.txt 3.09KB
- definespeedprofile.texture.txt 41 bytes
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- shuntnandcruisnpack.jpg 9.57KB
- tag.tga 64.04KB
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