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Author: atilabarut
Kind: behavior
Build: 2.4
Size: 27.19KB
Uploaded: 2019-06-07


A rule that is designed to be employed by multiple commands for various purposes. Currently, three driver schedule commands employ this rule for defining or setting parameters or just sending/receiving messages from the timetable. The driver schedule commands currently utilizing the WorkTable rule are CommWithTTable, SetTargetSpeed, and DefineSpeedProfile, which are included in this pack. Here is how this rule is used along with those commands.

In order to send/post/receive messages from the timetable by using CommWithTTable command, add a new line and type in your message in the WorkTable editor in the form given below.

msg,<your message>

where 'msg' is a label that is used to indicate that the statement written after the comma (separating the message from the msg label) is actually a timetable message and can only be recognized by the CommWithTTable driver schedule command. Hence the message <your message> will show up in the driver command's menu.

Ex. msg, EricFinishedTask

The message <EricFinishedTask> will appear in the driver command's menu.

In order to define speed labels and get them to appear in the DefineSpeedProfile command menu, the following template is used.

sp, n=<profile name>, p=<speed(kph) at 100% throttle>:<75%>:<50%>:<25%>, i=<speed increment(kph)>, t=<time interval of speed increment>

Ex. sp, n=profile 1, p=121:71:31:7, i=10, t=15

In the example above, the name of the speed profile is profile 1 and the speed of the locomotive at 25, 50, 75, and 100% throttle levels becomes 7, 31, 71, and 125kph, respectively. The change in speed from the current speed to the target speed is observed at equal speed increments of 10kph at every 15 sec.

In order to define speed labels and get them to appear in SetTargetSpeed command menu, type the following in the msg table

speed, v=<velocity value>, u=<unit name, kph or mph>

Ex. speed, v=30, u=mph (speed tag is 30mph)
Ex. speed, v=-30 (speed tag is -30kph, with kph being default)

NOTES: This rule supercedes the old rule CreateMSGTable. Also this rule has no prerequisites and can directly be used.

Author: atilabarut

  • config.txt 3.62KB
  • shuntnandcruisnpack.jpg 8.66KB
  • 6.61KB
  • worktable.texture.txt 53 bytes
  • worktable.tga 64.04KB

VE48: This asset uses an obsolete trainz-build number. Trainz-build numbers below 3.5 are no longer supported.
VE22: Missing or invalid selection for tag 'category-era' in 'behavior'.

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