transfer station
Since regular gauge mining locomotives have axle loads of 25 tonnes and are running on 2400 V DC, they cannot operate outside the rail system of an opencast lignite mine. Such rail systems usually also serve the major customer for lignite, a power plant or an industrial complex combining power plant, briquette factory, coke plant as well as various chemichal plants.
For the delivery of lignite to more distant customers e.g. Leunawerke, it had to be transferred to regular freight cars of Deutsche Reichsbahn, whose tracks in around 1970 were allowing maximal axle loads of not more than 15 - 18 t.
Accordingly, at the borders of an opencast lignite mine, transfer stations had to be set up. Lignite was dumped by the mining cars down a ramp. At its foot, lignite was taken up by special bucket chain excavators, which dumped it onto a system of conveyor belts, by which it was transported to a nearby loading station. There it was loaded either into ordinary open cars or hopper cars. At the loading station the lumps of lignite which have come directly from the excavators, were milled and screened for uniform size classes of particles.
The asset is built as an industry, which accepts lignite from enabled mining cars and loads it enabled open cars or hopper cars. The actions are controlled by script.
Author: K. Bernhard, U. Nagel, E. Schueler
- transfer station
- $screenshot$.jpg 31.83KB
- coal_load0.wav 104.12KB
- coal_load1.wav 104.11KB
- config.txt 104.41KB
- ladung_braunkohle0.tfx 388 bytes
- ladung_braunkohle1.tfx 388 bytes
- ladung_braunkohle2.tfx 388 bytes
- ladung_coal.tfx 388 bytes
- triller.wav 204.33KB
- 44.39KB
- umlade.tga 16.53KB
- antrieb.texture.txt 30 bytes
- antrieb.tga 384.04KB
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- band_band.tga 48.04KB
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- band_seite.tga 48.04KB
- betonpfeiler.texture.txt 35 bytes
- betonpfeiler.tga 96.04KB
- betonplatten.texture.txt 35 bytes
- betonplatten.tga 48.04KB
- braunkohle03.texture.txt 35 bytes
- braunkohle03.tga 48.53KB
- braunkohle04.texture.txt 35 bytes
- braunkohle04.tga 48.04KB
- eimerraeder.texture.txt 34 bytes
- eimerraeder.tga 192.04KB
- entladeportal.texture.txt 36 bytes
- entladeportal.tga 768.04KB
- gelaender_grau.texture.txt 37 bytes
- gelaender_grau.tga 812 bytes
- gelaender_orange.texture.txt 39 bytes
- gelaender_orange.tga 24.53KB
- gitterbelag.texture.txt 34 bytes
- gitterbelag.tga 48.04KB
- gittermast.bmp 96.05KB
- gittermast.texture.txt 55 bytes
- gittermast.tga 96.04KB
- gleis.texture.txt 28 bytes
- gleis.tga 12.04KB
- grabenaufnehmer.texture.txt 38 bytes
- grabenaufnehmer.tga 384.04KB
- hallenfenster.bmp 192.05KB
- hallenfenster.texture.txt 61 bytes
- hallenfenster.tga 192.04KB
- kabinenfenster.bmp 384.05KB
- kabinenfenster.texture.txt 63 bytes
- kabinenfenster.tga 384.04KB
- kippgraben.texture.txt 33 bytes
- kippgraben.tga 384.04KB
- mastgrau.texture.txt 31 bytes
- mastgrau.tga 812 bytes
- schurre.texture.txt 30 bytes
- schurre.tga 24.04KB
- sonnendach.texture.txt 33 bytes
- sonnendach.tga 192.04KB
- 208.61KB
- umladestation_v6_band_links.kin 27.70KB
- 208.61KB
- umladestation_v6_band_rechts.kin 27.70KB
- 141.45KB
- 240.00KB
- 93.41KB
- umladestation_v6_grabenaufnehmer_eimerkette.kin 7.80KB
- 32.24KB
- umladestation_v6_grabenaufnehmer_kabeltrommel.kin 2.36KB
- 6.12KB
- umladestation_v6_kohle.kin 1.21KB
- 523.75KB
- 120.61KB
- 413.61KB
- 741.72KB
- ziegel_orange.texture.txt 36 bytes
- ziegel_orange.tga 96.04KB
- ziffer_1.texture.txt 31 bytes
- ziffer_1.tga 768.04KB
- ziffer_2.texture.txt 31 bytes
- ziffer_2.tga 768.04KB
- ziffer_3.texture.txt 31 bytes
- ziffer_3.tga 768.04KB
- ziffer_4.texture.txt 31 bytes
- ziffer_4.tga 768.04KB
- ziffer_5.texture.txt 31 bytes
- ziffer_5.tga 768.04KB
- umwelt.wav 96.13KB
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