no image

Sterk 5 d


Author: Bumbrdlicek
Kind: groundtexture
Build: 2.9
Size: 409.85KB
Uploaded: 2019-03-04

Sterk 5 d

Sterk 5 d

Author: bumbrdlicek

    Sterk 5 d
  • config.txt 2.14KB
  • sterk_5_d_512x512.bmp 768.05KB

Na objekty a nebo mapy vytvorene v ramci JediTrainz Team (dale JTT) se vztahuji autorska prava celeho tymu. Bez souhlasu clenu tymu nesmi byt tyto objeky a nebo mapy distribuovany jakoukoliv formou at uz bezuplatne nebo za penize. Objekty a nebo mapy lze uverejnovat vyhradne na *Oficialnich strankach Trainz Railroad Simulator CZ* ( nebo jejich Slovenskem klonu ( a nebo na autorskych strankach hostovanych ve stejnych domenach linkovanim z centralni databaze. Veskere aktivity okolo

VE167: Source image texture file 'sterk_5_d_512x512.bmp' is too large for 'arc:fld:$(original)/hash-27||kuid2 147484 21035 10.tzarc|' (512x512)

VE48: This asset uses an obsolete trainz-build number. Trainz-build numbers below 3.5 are no longer supported.
VE62: Required container 'texture-variants' is missing.
VE62: Required container 'thumbnails' is missing.
VE176: The tag 'texture' in 'groundtexture' must have a texture file extension.
VE113: An image file ('sterk_5_d_512x512.bmp') has been supplied where a texture file ('*.texture.txt') is required.

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