Wait Until S-variable V3


Author: trev999
Kind: drivercommand
Build: 3.5
Size: 18.07KB
Uploaded: 2023-11-06

Wait Until S-variable V3

A driver command to halt the train until certain conditions are met.
These conditions are chosen from the command's menu list and should be inserted into the menu by means of entries in the InputTable rule.
Refer to the driver command 'Set S-Variable' <kuid2:160293:101005:x> for information on the New Format table entry structure or ChangeSVariables <kuid:131986:1005> for the original table entry structure.
Typical usage:
Wait Until S-variable <name> eq 1 (eq means is equal to)
Wait Until S-variable <name> gt 2 (gt means greater than)
Wait Until S-variable <name> lt 3 (lt means less than)
Advanced usage:
Wait Until S-variable <name> gt <another variable name>

The InputTable rule is a built in rule.
Once a set of command options is added to the InputTable rule, they will appear in the menu of this command.
Commands may be assigned to a driver without a train.

Associated commands: ChangeSVariables, Set S-Variable, Skip if session-variable

Thanks to Atila Barut for the original framework and to Lots_Trains for beta testing.

Author: trev999

    Wait Until S-variable V3
  • config.txt 2.50KB
  • screenshot.jpg 7.80KB
  • tag.tga 64.02KB
  • waituntilsvariable.texture.txt 41 bytes
  • waituntilsvariablecommand.gs 7.44KB
  • waituntilsvariableschedulecommand.gs 5.15KB

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