Special Instructions(metric)


Author: trev999
Kind: drivercommand
Build: 2.9
Size: 28.29KB
Uploaded: 2023-10-07

Special Instructions(metric)

Version 1.6 2015-07-08
Issue various special driver orders:

Stop train with various wait times.

Get identity of the last wagon in this train.
Couple to the vehicle identified above.
The above two command options serve as a replacement for 'Runaround train'. Additional commands can be inserted between this pair of commands.

Register product ( for use with Shedmaster driver message )
Apply Handbrake
Reverse (flip) loco or train direction or both.

Option to trigger servicing actions by loco scripts equipped with a message handler for the 'Service_Loco' major message.
'service loco, dump ash' will trigger the loco's ash dump animation.

Special command options for use by
'Skip If S-Variable' driver command:
Counts cars at trackmark excluding locomotives
Measures train length (Metres) at trackmark
Measures train mass (Metric Tons) at trackmark

Measuring trackmarks must have a name starting with a percent character (%) Example:
% Measure Train. Measurement extends for 500 metres in both directions but stops when the first consist is found.

To access the measurements a session variable needs to be added to the input table (built-in rule)
For number of cars add variable:
For train weight add variable:
For total train length add variable:
For length of cars excluding locomotives add variable:
svname, consist_length

This command was originally written as 'Stop Train' by Atila Barut who has kindly given me permission to build on his work.

Author: trev999

    Special Instructions(metric)
  • config.txt 5.15KB
  • screenshot.jpg 13.83KB
  • si.tga 64.02KB
  • specialinstructionscommand.gs 7.48KB
  • specialinstructionsschedulecommand.gs 19.30KB

VE48: This asset uses an obsolete trainz-build number. Trainz-build numbers below 3.5 are no longer supported.

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