Control Junctions 3


Author: trev999
Kind: drivercommand
Build: 3.5
Size: 23.29KB
Uploaded: 2023-10-07

Control Junctions 3

Version 3.4 2015-09-24
NOTE: This version suggests (but does not insist on) the addition of a new rule - 'CJ3 Startup Rule' to the session. On resuming a saved game, this rule restarts program threads that set and monitor the controlled junctions. Without this rule, resumed games will not correctly re-establish the controlled junction directions.

Command features:
Allows the user to set the direction of any junction on the route by junction name. The train waits until exclusive control of the junction is granted before continuing its schedule.

There are two modes of operation: Auto-release and 'Hold junction'.
When the mode is set to Auto-release, a controlled junction is released automatically when the controlling train leaves each junction.
When set to 'Hold', another command option - 'Release Junction' must be issued to release the specific junction.
Change the mode by clicking the topmost option. All subsequent commands issued will use the selected mode.

An option: 'Set to train' allows the direction of any trailing junction to be set to allow the passage of the train. The junction must be reasonably close to the train and the path leading from train to junction must be pre-set.
If the junction is leading then the direction is not changed but a lock is taken on the junction.

Furthermore, options are provided to 'Set-to-train' the direction of up to three unspecified junctions ahead of the train (not all at once), and one behind the train. The junctions are identified by scanning forward or backward from the train.

This command supports routes with more than 800 junctions by dividing the menu into two alphabetic sections when a route contains more than 800 junctions.

Adapted with permission from Atila Barut's original command.

Author: trev999

    Control Junctions 3
  • config.txt 4.93KB
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  • screenshot.jpg 9.26KB
  • tag.texture.txt 41 bytes
  • tag.tga 64.02KB

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