colluri comute


Map: chedem
Kind: profile
Build: 2.4
Size: 14.55KB
Uploaded: 2019-09-17

colluri comute

Its a wet stormy night and the afternoon shift miners at worton coal mine want to go home but beware freight and expresses will be comming on the line so try to avoyd the you are driving E4 with a 2 coach train you are currantly at chedem shed drive to the bay platform and sut into platform 2 leave for cheat wick at 21:20 and arrive at 21:30 then drive to archwick at 21:35 and arrive at 21:55 run roud the train and set off for chedem at 10:10 arrive at chedem at 10:40 and leave for worton at 10:45 arrive at worton at 11:00 run round your train and drive back to chedem at 11:10 and drive on to cheatwick at 11:25 abd arrive at 23:40 and drive on to archwick at 23:45 and arrive there at 0:00 run roud the train and replace the coaches and loco wher you got them from. SESSION ENDED

Author: Micheal Walsh and Patrick Booth

    colluri comute
  • config.txt 4.12KB
  • profile.dat 93.94KB

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