Subalpin Nostalgic Map


Author: Cike
Kind: map
Build: 2.4
Size: 4.47MB
Uploaded: 2019-09-20

Subalpin Nostalgic Map

This map is a representation of a 52 kms real route in 86 baseboards. The local railway (vicinalis) was built in 1888 year, (opened in 12-th December). It departs from the county town Szombathely (Savaria) to north, but immediately turns to west, crossing the attractive countryside and continues his route in the Valley of Pinka river to the terminal station Pinkafoe (Pinkafeld), overcomes 167 m nivel.
The 2/3 part of the line - from Rohonc (Rechnitz) to Pinkafoe - became the own of Austria in 1921 year, and the trains of Oesterechisches BundesBahn (OBB) use the north-western section (and its new extension) to Grosspeterdorf (Nagy-Szent-Mihaly). A privat company rents the section betwen Grosspeterdorf and Rechnitz for transport of goods and organizes nostalgic fabulous routes - Maerchenbahn - for children. The 11 kms hungarian section, between Szombathely and Rohonc, was annihilated in January 1, 1960.
The TRS2004 realisation has the complex yard of Szombathely with a passenger station (4 tracks), a marshalling-yard (6 tracks), a goods-yard (5 tracks), a shop for rolling stocks and 6 far relation (Portals). You find 5 middling and 7 smaller stations for goods and passengers. Have a fun!

Author: Cike

    Subalpin Nostalgic Map
  • config.txt 84.80KB
  • subalpin nostalgic map.bmk 330 bytes
  • subalpin nostalgic map.gnd 10.08MB
  • subalpin nostalgic map.obs 1.23MB
  • subalpin nostalgic map.trk 374.04KB

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