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Slovakian SUN Enhanced1


Author: haffen
Kind: map
Build: 2.4
Size: 10.25MB
Uploaded: 2019-03-04

Slovakian SUN Enhanced1

Od Bratislavy po Zboj, od Moravy po Vyhorlat vlni sa prekrasne more vrchov slovenskou krajinou. Pohorie za pohorim dviha sa od zapadu i vychodu, az konecne na severnom hranicnom ostrohu zaburaca velhorami Tatier. Nemozno ich obsiahnut okom orla z nadoblacnych vysin, ani zmerat ludskou nohou, hoci by nimi clovek prechadzal cely zivot - nemozno do srdca i pamati ulozit vsetky ich nespocitatelne krasy. A preto: az budete, priatelia, vstupovat do vrcharskeho sveta, vkrocte don s laskou a pokorou, aku si tento giganticky vytvor prirody zasluzi. Zvolte si ciel, avsak nezabudajte pren na cestu, ved i cesta sama moze byt cielom. Usilujte sa precitit vsetko, co vas obklopuje a vasa vnimavost sa zacne rozvijat ako lekno na slnku. Z udoli az po vrchol bude vasu cestu sprevadzat tisice zazrakov.

Autor: M. Kukacka {Svet Slovenskych hor}

Vas Ady van den Flughaffen :]

From Bratislava to Zboj, from Moravia to Vihorlat therebeautifully roll several summits in the Slovakian country. One range of mountains after the other rises in the west and east, until it ultimately storms in the northern boundary headland in the gigantic Tatra mountains. Its not possible to reach them by eagle's eyesight from the above heights, no more than to measure them by the human foot, ecven if one had walked over them his whole life - it is not possible to deposit all their uncalculable charm in his heart and memory.
When, my friends, you will be entering into the highland world, enter it with love and humility, such as this gigantic nature creation deserves. Select the aim for yourselves, but do not forget your way, because even the way itself can be the aim. Try to feel everything that surrounds you and your receptivity will begin to unfold like the water-lily in the sunrays. It will accompany you way from the walley to the summit to witness thousands of miracles.

Author: M. Kukacka {book: World of Slovakian mountains}

Our Ady van den Flughaffen :]

Author: haffen

    Slovakian SUN Enhanced1
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