Electrico Lisboa 277 M
Author: | jramos |
Kind: | traincar |
Build: | 2.5 |
Size: | 382.77KB |
Uploaded: | 2019-06-05 |
Loadings: |
Electrico Lisboa 277 M
Electrico Lisboa Historico 1 m gauge
Serie 203-282.
Fueron construidos en 1935, originalmente tenian cancelas metalicas en vez de puertas, luces laterales y eran bidireccionales.
El numero 277 se presenta en color celeste con anuncio Braz.
203-282 series.
Built in 1935, they had originally metallic gates instead of doors, were bi-directional and had side red lights.
Number 277 is presented in light blue colour with Braz ad.
Los tranvias electricos de Lisboa (Electricos)son unos de los mas antiguos y peculiares del mundo: ancho de via de 900 mm, curvas de menos de 10 m de radio y pendientes de hasta el 14.5%. Estan operados por la Companhia de Carris de Ferro de Lisboa (Carris)
Solo los vehículos de 2 ejes pueden pasar por las calles estrechas de Alfama. Estan construidos en madera y tienen mas de 50 años de antiguedad. Sus medidas son 8382x2378mm, peso 10560Kg y capacidad para 24 pasajeros sentados y 18 de pie.
Para TRS2006 he creado una coleccion de tranvias de varias epocas, con caracteristicas diferentes (puertas o cancelas, publicidad, numeros editables, pasajeros, etc) en 2 anchos de via: S (estandar) 1435mm y M (metrica) 1000mm. (No hay via tranviaria de 900 mm para Trainz actualmente). Los modelos se han realizado a partir de fotografias de epoca con algunas licencias artisticas para evitar demasiados poligonos. Los anuncios y colores son reales.
Lisbon tramways (Electricos) are probably one of the oldest vehicles in the world and the track system is extraordinary: 900 mm gauge, curve radii of less than 10m and ascents up to 14.5%. They are operated by Companhia de Carris de Ferro de Lisboa (Carris).
Only 2-axle vehicles can run the narrow streets of the Alfama district. They are built in wood and are more than 50 years old. They are 8382x2378mm sized and 24 seating and 18 standing capacity.
For TRS2006, I have modelled a tram collection: different models (doors or gates, advertisements, editable numbers, passengers, etc) and two track gauges: S Standard (1435mm) and M Metric (1000mm). (Currently there are no tram tracks of 900mm gauge in Trainz). They are based on old photos with some artistic changes to avoid too much polygons. All colours and advertisements are real.
Author: Jose Luis Ramos Navarro, Malaga, SPAIN
- Electrico Lisboa 277 M
- config.txt 7.71KB
- barras y luces.texture.txt 37 bytes
- barras y luces.tga 768.04KB
- braz inf.texture.txt 31 bytes
- braz inf.tga 768.03KB
- braz sup.texture.txt 31 bytes
- braz sup.tga 768.03KB
- cancelas.bmp 12.05KB
- destino.texture.txt 30 bytes
- destino.tga 768.03KB
- electrico lisboa 277.im 93.92KB
- electrico lisboa shadow.im 146.91KB
- negro.texture.txt 28 bytes
- negro.tga 128.04KB
- preview braz.jpg 5.41KB
- rejillas-cancelas.texture.txt 51 bytes
- rejillas-rejillas.texture.txt 51 bytes
- rejillas.bmp 12.05KB
- rejillas.tga 12.03KB
- techo.texture.txt 28 bytes
- techo.tga 768.03KB
electrico lisboa m body
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