

Author: java23
Kind: traincar
Build: 1.5
Size: 804.66KB
Uploaded: 2011-04-16


Ebauche d'automotrice Z.23308
150 automotrices *Z* 1500 volts ont йtй livrйes de 1937 а 1962 а la RATP pour l'exploitation de la Ligne de Sceaux de Paris-Luxembourg а Robinson et Saint-Rйmy-lиs-Chevreuse .
Le numйro de train situй а l'avant est pair dans le sens *Paris*, impair dans le sens *Banlieue* :
- de 1 а 349 pour les trains omnibus de/vers Robinson ou Massy-Palaiseau,
- de 700 а 799 pour les trains directs de/vers Saint-Rйmy-lиs-Chevreuse,
- de 501 а 510 pour les trains Haut-Le-Pied (sans voyageurs) .
Ces automotrices circulent par йlйments doubles couplйes dos а dos, а raison de 1, 2 ou 3 йlйments .
Constructeur : C.I.M.T. (Compagnie Industrielle de Matйriel de Transport, usine de la Rhonelle а Marly-lez-Valenciennes)
Livraison : 6 mars 1953
Mise en service : 18 mai 1953
Vitesse maximale : 80 km/h
Poids : 44 t
Distance parcourue : 1.836.138 km .
Sketch of Electrical Unit Z.23308
150 electrical units *Z* 1500 V-DC have been delivred from 1937 to 1962 to the RATP (Paris Metropolitain) to run on the *Ligne de Sceaux* from Paris-Luxembourg to Robinson and Saint-Rйmy-lиs-Chevreuse .
The head code train number is pair toward Paris, impaired toward the suburb :
- from 1 to 349 for the stop trains going from/to Robinson or Massy-Palaiseau,
- from 700 to 799 for the direct trains going from/to Saint-Rйmy-lиs-Chevreuse,
- from 501 to 510 for the service trains without passengers .
These units ride in double elements coupled back to back . The trains can have 1, 2 or 3 elements .
Supplier : C.I.M.T. (Compagnie Industrielle de Matйriel de Transport, *Rhonelle* factory at Marly-lez-Valenciennes - FRANCE)
Date of delivery : 6 march 1953
Date of first ride : 18 may 1953
Maximum speed : 50 mph
Wheight : 44 tons
Distance performed : 1,141,000 miles .

Author: Philippe ARNOULD a.k.a. java23

  • config.txt 4.11KB
  • ebauchez23308_alpha_numbers
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  • alphanumber_2.tga 4.04KB
  • alphanumber_3.tga 4.04KB
  • alphanumber_4.tga 4.04KB
  • alphanumber_5.tga 4.04KB
  • alphanumber_6.tga 4.04KB
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  • alphanumber_9.tga 4.04KB
  • ebauchez23308_art
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  • ebauchez23308_art_icon.texture.txt 93 bytes
  • ebauchez23308_art_icon.tga 32.04KB
  • ebauchez23308_body
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  • brun.tga 12.04KB
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  • brunfonce.tga 12.04KB
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  • digit_4.tga 4.04KB
  • digit_5.texture.txt 30 bytes
  • digit_5.tga 4.04KB
  • digit_6.texture.txt 30 bytes
  • digit_6.tga 4.04KB
  • ebauchez23308_body.pm 863.31KB
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  • graisse.texture.txt 30 bytes
  • graisse.tga 12.04KB
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  • vertsali.tga 12.04KB
  • z37.texture.txt 26 bytes
  • z37.tga 768.04KB
  • ebauchez23308_shadow
  • ebauchez23308_shadow.pm 170.60KB
  • noir.texture.txt 27 bytes
  • noir.tga 812 bytes

This package is free to use with TrainZ 1.3.0 b.277 or later
All the content is ©java23 - 06/2003 .
Do not use or copy without his author's agreement .

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