

Author: varz
Kind: traincar
Build: 3.4
Size: 1.91MB
Uploaded: 2022-12-30


Diesel locomotive TE3 - a cargo main diesel locomotive massovo issued in the USSR with 1956 for 1973.

Features of model in TRS
- separate steering of buffer fires (LLC - LocoLightController)
- opening-closing of doors
- on/off of light in a cabin and an engine room
- own sounds of carriages
- the additional complete set of rear lights

Diesel locomotives TE1 and TE2 had well adapted for draft of trains a diesel engine, but also the diesel engine both the traction generator and diesel locomotives were enough gabaritny, are heavy and did not replace in view of low power such powerful steam locomotives as FD (F. Dzerzhinsky), IS (I. Stalin), P36(Passanger, type36), LV (Lebedansky-Voroshilovograd).
Therefore in 1947 VNIIZHT (All-Union scientifically research institute of a railway transportation) has prepared the technical project on designing 12-shafts a two-section diesel locomotive with more powerful and high-speed diesel engine.
In 1950 at the Kharkov factory of name Malysheva there has been begun work on designing the main cargo diesel locomotive capable to the full to replace on railways steam locomotives.
Work was carried out under direction of the main designer of a factory on lokomotivostroeniju by A.A.Kirnarskogo.
On March, 13th, 1952 scientific and technical advice of Ministry of Railways has considered the contract design of a diesel locomotive and recommended to lead design engineering and construction of skilled section.
The first section of a diesel locomotive has been constructed in the end of 1953, in the beginning of 1954 the second section has been made.
The diesel locomotive has received the name of series TE3.
The diesel locomotive was under construction on the basis of wide cooperation Kolomna, Kharkov and Voroshilovgradskogo locofactories, and also Kharkov factory <elektrotjazhmash>.
In June, 1956 the first diesel locomotive TE3 (TE3-1001) builds the Kolomna factory, finally having passed from steamlocs and diesellocs buildings.
The same year first diesel locomotive TE3 (TE3-2001) has let out Voroshilovgradsky a factory.
Diesel locomotive TE3 had a stock of fuel of 2*5440 kg, oils of 2*1400 kg, waters 2*800 l, sand of 2*400 kg.
Full weight of a diesel locomotive 2*126 t.
Long force of draft at speed of 20 km/h 2*20200 kgs, constructional speed of 100 km/h, force of draft at constructional speed 2*2600 kgs.

For January, 1st, 1976 on a network of railways 12 283 sections of diesel locomotives TE3 were totaled.
Mass write-off of diesel locomotives of the given series occured since 1970th years.
On road Privolzhskoj last diesel locomotives TE3 have been written off only in the middle of 1980th years.

Material from Vikipedia - the free encyclopedia


Demiurgg (Антон), машинист-испытатель, инженер-акустик
er2-1050 (Степан), 3D-модель автосцепки
Eugeny (Евгений) тяговые расчеты
GSTrainz (Геннадий) звуки дизеля
ILIOS (Илья) фотоматериал, стрингер, звуки экипажей, консультант-аниматор, издатель
Leshiy (Алексей) чертежи, консультант-аниматор
Ромарио (Роман) фотоматериал, стрингер
Sea Cat (Андрей) тягово-тормозные настройки, инженер-акустик
TrainZZZer (Константин) переводчик текстов
varz (Евгений) генеральный продысер, главный технолог, 3D-модель, скрипты, акустика
vold (Владимир) владелец экипажей в опытных тяговых испытаниях
Demiurgg (Anton), the enginier-verifier, the engineer-soundman
er2-1050 (Stepan), 3D-model automatic coupling
Eugeny (Evgenie) traction calculations
GSTrainz (Gennady) sounds of diesel engine
ILIOS (Ilya) a photographic material, stringer, sounds of bogies, the adviser-animator, publisher
Leshiy (Alexey) drawings, adviser-animator
Romario (Roman) a photographic material, stringer
Sea Cat (Andrey) traction-brake adjustments, the engineer-soundman
TrainZZZer (Konstantin) the translator of texts
varz (Evgenie) the general producer, chief-technologist, 3D-model, scripts, sounds
vold (Vladimir) the owner of bogies in skilled traction tests

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  • but_red_off.tga 64.04KB
  • but_red_on.tga 64.04KB
  • but_sm_yel_off.tga 64.04KB
  • but_sm_yel_on.tga 64.04KB
  • but_white_off.tga 64.04KB
  • but_white_on.tga 64.04KB
  • cab-low.texture.txt 30 bytes
  • cab-low.tga 3.00MB
  • config.txt 23.05KB
  • donotwork-donotwork.texture.txt 53 bytes
  • donotwork.tga 64.04KB
  • kuzov1.texture.txt 29 bytes
  • kuzov1.tga 3.00MB
  • kuzov3.texture.txt 29 bytes
  • kuzov3.tga 768.04KB
  • l_r-off.texture.txt 30 bytes
  • l_r-off.tga 12.04KB
  • loc_llc_t5_te3_int.gs 62.07KB
  • number-number.texture.txt 47 bytes
  • number.tga 64.04KB
  • shadow
  • shadow.im 22.04KB
  • shadow.texture.txt 29 bytes
  • shadow.tga 786 bytes
  • te3.im 948.00KB
  • te3z_art
  • te3z-t2-art.tga 156.61KB
  • z_alsn_common.gs 2.41KB

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Необходимо указывать авторов проекта.
Free, except for commercial use. It is necessary to specify authors of the project.
(c) 2007, z-team, TRS-team.

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