Lok Drehgestellsound


Author: Partyman79
Kind: tracksound
Build: 2.5
Size: 176.51KB
Uploaded: 2019-10-21

Lok Drehgestellsound

Bogeysound for locomotives.

Thanks to Hibu for let me use his samples.

Drehgestellsound fuer Lokomotiven.

Dank an Hibu fuer die Erlaubnis, seine Samples nutzen zu duerfen.

Author: Partyman79

    Lok Drehgestellsound
  • $screenshot$.jpg 7.66KB
  • config.txt 1.60KB
  • idle 1.wav 175.61KB

VE48: This asset uses an obsolete trainz-build number. Trainz-build numbers below 3.5 are no longer supported.

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