ctMRTc01 Scant14RC R+

ctMRTc01 Scant14RC R+


Author: fatuli
Kind: track
Build: 2.4
Size: 555.89KB
Uploaded: 2019-09-19
Web-site: trainz.formarteam.de

ctMRTc01 Scant14RC R+

MRT (48 / 7 Polies/m). Gleis UIC 60 montiert auf Moll Spannbetonschwelle B 70 W 60 / Basaltschotter. Das Gleis nach Verlegung um 41 cm erhoehen.

Ueberhoehungsrampe fuer Rechtskurve. Ueberhoehungswert von 10 auf 14 cm in Verlegerichtung ansteigend. Mehr Informationen unter http://www.trainz.formarteam.de

MRT (48 / 7 Polies/m). Track UIC 60 mounted on Moll prestressed concrete sleepers B 70 W 60 / basalt gravel. Raise the track about 41 cm after laying.

Cant Ramp for right corner. Cant value increases from 10 to 14 cm in laying direction. For more information visit http://www.trainz.formarteam.de

Author: Ulrich Seehoefer (fatuli/mawauli)

    ctMRTc01 Scant14RC R+
  • comphi1-comphi1.texture.txt 48 bytes
  • comphi1.texture.txt 29 bytes
  • comphi1.tga 1.00MB
  • config.txt 4.56KB
  • default.im 30.13KB
  • mrtb01_prv.jpg 53.28KB
  • unit_mesh
  • complo1-complo1.texture.txt 48 bytes
  • complo1.texture.txt 29 bytes
  • complo1.tga 16.04KB
  • unit_mesh.im 6.10KB

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VE48: This asset uses an obsolete trainz-build number. Trainz-build numbers below 3.5 are no longer supported.

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