Caney Fork Explosive Cargo - revised


Map: Caney Fork RR
Author: leeferr
Kind: profile
Build: 2.4
Size: 49.42KB
Uploaded: 2019-09-17

Caney Fork Explosive Cargo - revised

Session for Caney Fork RR. Your job today is to take control of the military train at Crystal Lake. It is headed by a U.S. Army SD40 no. 1450. Take your consist to Wolf Creek Ordnance Depot.
At Wolf Creek, drop your boxcars and gondolas at the warehouse goods track. Drop the 3 tankers of acid at the chem 1 track and the 3 tankers of gas at the gas track.
Pick up boxcars of munitions and the 3 empty gondolas and 3 empty tankcars.
Proceed to Westwood yard, drop the empty gondolas and tank cars in the yard and pick up the consist of loaded flatcars.
Next, proceed to Fort Gorman and drop the munitions boxcars at the ammo dump. Then place the loaded flatcars at the Maintenance shop unload track.
Pick up the gondolas and tank cars on the team track and proceed to Westwood yard. A hard days work is done.

Author: Mike Ferrell

    Caney Fork Explosive Cargo - revised
  • config.txt 7.67KB
  • profile.dat 293.50KB
  • readme.txt 1.07KB

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