Sig LMS Pratt Truss Gantry G1 spline

Sig LMS Pratt Truss Gantry G1 spline


Author: francelinetony
Kind: track
Build: 3.7
Size: 166.59KB
Uploaded: 2019-11-14

Sig LMS Pratt Truss Gantry G1 spline

An LMS designed lightweight Pratt truss signal gantry spline. For use with the 'sig LMS gantry' signals. Thanks to Chrisaw for his help and advice and getting me started on producing my range of signals.

    Sig LMS Pratt Truss Gantry G1 spline
  • config.txt 1.65KB
  • 56.68KB
  • 77.94KB
  • gantry.texture.txt 29 bytes
  • gantry.tga 768.02KB
  • 10.19KB
  • thumb.jpg 19.72KB

VE189: Collision data exceeds 64KB and has been simplified. Consider using a different generation method or a simplified mesh.

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