CTL ET22-R003
Author: | Wojti |
Kind: | traincar |
Build: | 2.9 |
Size: | 3.94MB |
Uploaded: | 2023-11-19 |
Web-site: | trainzart.pl |
Loadings: |
CTL ET22-R003
ET22 electric locomotive for heavy cargo trains - designed and manufactured in Poland. This model was tested in TS19 with fixed light script. Use view details window to control all options of the model including lights, doors and pantographs. For any missing sounds visit http://makaron.krb.com.pl/?et22-sound-pack,90
Author: 3D: MkBzyk02 aka Wojti; Photos: kilanziom
- CTL ET22-R003
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- zgarniacze.im 39.16KB
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