First built in steel after WWI, these were mostly welded closed or out of service by the mid-sixtires.
My first Gmax/fully homemade rollingstock.
And my worst; there's no detail at all on the tub, it's just a hollow box.
But it's extremely industry-active... Make sure you have all the sounds.
They're on the DLS, but hidden.
Well, I did use Phil_C's couplers. (and tutorials!-) <http://WorldOfTrainz.com>
Thanks to whitepass: As this started out to be a reskin of Randall's NYC gondola
(but turned into a new model to animate the doors),
the tub's texture is originally, and now derived from, that asset.
Author: Dave Duchesneau (AltoDave)
- Gon00
- $screenshot$.jpg 7.21KB
- config.txt 14.45KB
- enddoorgondola.gs 13.90KB
- gon00_art_256.tga 256.02KB
- gon00_art_512.texture.txt 61 bytes
- gon00_art_icon.texture.txt 63 bytes
- gon00_art_icon.tga 32.02KB
- gon00.texture.txt 42 bytes
- gon00_brake.evt 558 bytes
- gon00_brake.im 4.11KB
- gon00_brake2.evt 310 bytes
- gon00_brrel.kin 10.96KB
- gon00_brset.kin 10.96KB
- rust.texture.txt 30 bytes
- steer_op.bmp 5.05KB
- steering_diffuse-steer_op.texture.txt 62 bytes
- steering_diffuse.texture.txt 42 bytes
- gon00.texture.txt 42 bytes
- gon00_doors.im 44.13KB
- gon00_doors.kin 3.10KB
- rust.texture.txt 30 bytes
- gon00.texture.txt 39 bytes
- gon00_body.im 68.96KB
- chipdust1.tfx 1.59KB
- coal.bmp 48.05KB
- coal.texture.txt 27 bytes
- coaldust2.tfx 1.59KB
- graydust1.tfx 1.59KB
- load.im 19.64KB
- load.kin 134.43KB
- reddust1.tfx 1.59KB
- thinblackdust.tfx 1.59KB
- thinreddust.tfx 1.59KB
- whitedust1.tfx 1.59KB
- rust.texture.txt 27 bytes
- rust.tga 3.02KB
- shadow.im 66.01KB
- steering_diffuse.texture.txt 39 bytes
- steering_diffuse.tga 12.02KB
- unlettered gon00.tga 768.02KB
- ratchet.wav 47.07KB
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