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Dextrose (dry)


Author: JohnnyC1
Kind: product
Build: 2.8
Size: 27.40KB
Uploaded: 2019-09-17

Dextrose (dry)

Dextrose is a crystalline sugar used as a nutritive sweetener and derived from starch. It is approximately 70% as sweet as sugar, and available in dry, agglomerated or liquid forms. Dextrose (glucose) is the primary feedstock for numerous products, including corn sweeteners, fuel ethanol and organic acids (e.g., lactic acid, acetic acid, citric acid). Glucose is the sugar in blood, and dextrose is the name given to glucose produced from corn. Biochemically they are identical.

Author: JohnnyC1

    Dextrose (dry)
    corel auto-preserve
  • dextrose.jpg 9.38KB
  • icon.tga 12.02KB
  • icon_texture.texture.txt 43 bytes
  • load art.texture.txt 31 bytes
  • load art.tga 48.02KB

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