wagon ore - walking
Author: | Elvenor |
Kind: | traincar |
Build: | 1.5 |
Size: | 392.27KB |
Uploaded: | 2019-06-27 |
Loadings: |
wagon ore - walking
USA western mineral ore wagon, also called a mountain wagon. Note the oversize brake shoes. Couple 63290 9019 (Wagon Ore Horses - walking) to pull the wagon. Additional horse teams (Horse Team 4/5/6 - walking) may be coupled. The horses have a walking gait only. This is an engine. Place it on invisible track and get it up to speed quickly. DCC works best.
Author: Elvenor
- wagon ore - walking
- config.txt 4.12KB
- horse and wagon_art_512.tga 1.00MB
- horse and wagon_art_icon.tga 32.53KB
- wagon ore - walking_art_512.texture.txt 95 bytes
- wagon ore - walking_art_icon.texture.txt 95 bytes
- bars-bars.texture.txt 43 bytes
- bars.tga 4.53KB
- chain-chain.texture.txt 45 bytes
- chain.tga 16.53KB
- metal3.texture.txt 29 bytes
- metal3.tga 192.53KB
- ore.texture.txt 26 bytes
- ore.tga 96.53KB
- wagon ore - walking_body.pm 127.73KB
- wagon.texture.txt 28 bytes
- wagon.tga 192.53KB
- western man d.texture.txt 36 bytes
- western man d.tga 192.53KB
- black.texture.txt 28 bytes
- black.tga 1.28KB
- wagon ore - walking_shadow.pm 7.36KB
wagon ore - walking_art
wagon ore - walking_body
wagon ore - walking_shadow
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