ВЛ11М-204 А
Author: | Daniil Usynin |
Kind: | traincar |
Build: | 3.3 |
Size: | 8.84MB |
Uploaded: | 2024-08-22 |
Loadings: |
ВЛ11М-204 А
ВЛ11М-078 Приписаний до депо Мукачево ТЧ-9 Львівської залізниці Україна Побудований у жовтні 1987 року Тбіліським Електровозобудівним заводом (ТЕВЗ). Із заводу поступив у депо Мукачево.
Author: Rokky, SV85, NMarky
- ВЛ11М-204 А
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- buf-r.lm.txt 322 bytes
- buf-w-0.im 524 bytes
- buf-w-1.im 1.70KB
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- buf-w-3.im 1.70KB
- buf_f_0.im 552 bytes
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- llc.bmp 192.05KB
- llc.texture.txt 26 bytes
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- red.tga 48.04KB
- redlight.im 1.19KB
- anim.kin 28.27KB
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- bfwr.im 9.08KB
- brovi.im 6.09KB
- cab-cab.texture.txt 26 bytes
- cab.bmp 192.05KB
- cab.texture.txt 41 bytes
- cab.tga 256.04KB
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- e.bmp 12.05KB
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- ref.bmp 768.05KB
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- shadow.tga 16.04KB
- strela1.im 4.55KB
- strela2.im 4.55KB
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- vl10.im 840.84KB
- vl10_1+.bmp 64.12KB
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- vl11a.im 2.96MB
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- vl80s_stekla.jpg 41.91KB
- vl80s_stekla.texture.txt 35 bytes
- zvezda.im 1.74KB
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