Snow 01 pile 11


Author: Dinorius_Redundicus
Kind: scenery
Build: 4.4
Size: 56.18KB
Uploaded: 2023-04-06

Snow 01 pile 11

A bumpy spread of permanent non-seasonal snow, ~11m diameter, 0.6m high at the largest bump. Updated to not cast hard polygon shadows, but retain soft surface shading.
No LOD, 448 triangles, 1 material. Requires Snow 01 mesh library (kuid2 68213 22261 1 or later versions). Created in 3DS Max 2009. Requested by Michael Sutton (sirgibby).

Author: Deane Tunaley

    Snow 01 pile 11
  • $screenshot$.jpg 64.74KB
  • config.txt 1.75KB

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