no image



Author: Lotharhake
Kind: scenery
Build: 1.5
Size: 308.69KB
Uploaded: 2022-01-06


Author: Lothar Hake

    LKW 3
  • airbrush1.tga 49.04KB
  • black.tga 1.53KB
  • blaumuster.texture 21.48KB
  • bromslampa.texture 2.86KB
  • chromic.texture 10.84KB
  • config.txt 2.02KB
  • dunkelblau2.texture 21.48KB
  • dunkelgruen.texture 5.48KB
  • felge.texture 10.84KB
  • fenster.texture 5.48KB
  • fenster4.texture 5.48KB
  • grill.texture 10.84KB
  • hjulmonster.texture 5.51KB
  • hjulmonsterbump.texture 5.51KB
  • lampabak.texture 21.52KB
  • lampafram.texture 21.52KB
  • 141.97KB
  • mack.texture 2.81KB
  • metal_1.texture 10.84KB
  • metal_2.texture 21.48KB
  • metal_3.texture 10.84KB
  • metal_panel.texture 10.84KB
  • orange1.tga 3.53KB
  • rot5.texture 5.48KB
  • rust01.tga 48.53KB
  • schwarzes plastik 001.texture 5.48KB
  • seitegelb.texture 21.52KB
  • silber.texture 10.84KB
  • weiss.texture 5.48KB

VE168: File 'schwarzes plastik 001.texture' is not a valid compiled texture file for 'arc:fld:$(original)/hash-F4||kuid 68787 25903.tzarc|'
VE165: Texture 'schwarzes plastik 001.texture' is missing or could not be loaded in mesh '', material '*lkw*322BAB3F*white matte*m.onetex'.
VE168: File 'metal_2.texture' is not a valid compiled texture file for 'arc:fld:$(original)/hash-F4||kuid 68787 25903.tzarc|'
VE165: Texture 'metal_2.texture' is missing or could not be loaded in mesh '', material '*lkw*B1E4A013*material #2*m.onetex'.
VE168: File 'seitegelb.texture' is not a valid compiled texture file for 'arc:fld:$(original)/hash-F4||kuid 68787 25903.tzarc|'
VE165: Texture 'seitegelb.texture' is missing or could not be loaded in mesh '', material '*lkw*68078BB6*material #1*m.onetex'.
VE168: File 'mack.texture' is not a valid compiled texture file for 'arc:fld:$(original)/hash-F4||kuid 68787 25903.tzarc|'
VE165: Texture 'mack.texture' is missing or could not be loaded in mesh '', material '*lkw*36434C7F*material #1*m.onetex'.
VE168: File 'lampafram.texture' is not a valid compiled texture file for 'arc:fld:$(original)/hash-F4||kuid 68787 25903.tzarc|'
VE165: Texture 'lampafram.texture' is missing or could not be loaded in mesh '', material '*lkw*43E7BD5F*material #3*m.onetex'.
VE168: File 'rot5.texture' is not a valid compiled texture file for 'arc:fld:$(original)/hash-F4||kuid 68787 25903.tzarc|'
VE165: Texture 'rot5.texture' is missing or could not be loaded in mesh '', material '*lkw*F13A12CA*red matte*m.onetex'.
VE168: File 'fenster.texture' is not a valid compiled texture file for 'arc:fld:$(original)/hash-F4||kuid 68787 25903.tzarc|'
VE165: Texture 'fenster.texture' is missing or could not be loaded in mesh '', material '*lkw*28945808*material #615*m.onetex'.
VE168: File 'dunkelgruen.texture' is not a valid compiled texture file for 'arc:fld:$(original)/hash-F4||kuid 68787 25903.tzarc|'
VE165: Texture 'dunkelgruen.texture' is missing or could not be loaded in mesh '',

VE48: This asset uses an obsolete trainz-build number. Trainz-build numbers below 3.5 are no longer supported.
VE217: Material *lkw*322BAB3F*white matte*m.onetex in mesh file has no texture assigned to a required slot: texture0
VE217: Material *lkw*B1E4A013*material #2*m.onetex in mesh file has no texture assigned to a required slot: texture0
VE217: Material *lkw*68078BB6*material #1*m.onetex in mesh file has no texture assigned to a required slot: texture0
VE217: Material *lkw*36434C7F*material #1*m.onetex in mesh file has no texture assigned to a required slot: texture0
VE217: Material *lkw*43E7BD5F*material #3*m.onetex in mesh file has no texture assigned to a required slot: texture0
VE217: Material *lkw*F13A12CA*red matte*m.onetex in mesh file has no texture assigned to a required slot: texture0
VE217: Material *lkw*28945808*material #615*m.onetex in mesh file has no texture assigned to a required slot: texture0
VE217: Material *lkw*AFD03B0E*material #611*m.reflect in mesh file has no texture assigned to a required slot: texReflect
VE217: Material *lkw*AFD03B0E*material #611*m.reflect in mesh file has no texture assigned to a required slot: texture0
VE217: Material *lkw*13BD419*material #612*m.onetex in mesh file has no texture assigned to a required slot: texture0
VE217: Material *lkw*83352945*cab text*m.onetex in mesh file has no texture assigned to a required slot: texture0
VE217: Material *lkw*B87BF991*material #613*m.onetex in mesh file has no texture assigned to a required slot: texture0
VE217: Material *lkw*5940BFCB*gold (dark)*m.reflect in mesh file has no texture assigned to a required slot: texReflect
VE217: Material *lkw*5940BFCB*gold (dark)*m.reflect in mesh file has no texture assigned to a required slot: texture0
VE217: Material *lkw*DEE2C063*material #2*m.onetex in mesh file has no texture assigned to a required slot: texture0
VE217: Material *lkw*9B770E33*material #4*m.reflect in mesh file

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