IndustRail TRS2009
Author: | philskene |
Kind: | map |
Build: | 2.4 |
Size: | 11.69MB |
Uploaded: | 2019-06-05 |
Downloads: |
IndustRail TRS2009
This version corrects minor errors in the previous version.
IndustRail portrays an extensive Class 3 regional railroad company operating in heavily built-up urban areas. The IndustRail Company provides high quality freight services to a large number of industries and provides switching services on behalf of Class 1 railroads.
The route has a separated track for the Class 1 railroad AI trainz. The AI trainz share a common track with the IndustRail route at numerous squeeze points.
The route is scenic, well detailed and includes many interactive industries to cater for a wide variety of interactive rolling stock. It should appeal to those who enjoy both switching and line-haul operations in an interesting and varied environment with an authentic railroad atmosphere.
Maps for the route and other documentation can be downloaded from:
Despite the high level of detail, frame rates are excellent on a mid-range single core P3.2 computer with a 256MB video card.
All assets needed by this route are on the Download Station and will be installed when the route is downloaded.
Author: philskene
- IndustRail TRS2009
- config.txt 40.82KB
- industrail trs2009.bmk 330 bytes
- industrail trs2009.gnd 33.44MB
- industrail trs2009.obs 1.01MB
- industrail trs2009.trk 775.27KB
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