Downtown Traction Company


Author: philskene
Kind: map
Build: 3.2
Size: 382.68KB
Uploaded: 2019-06-27

Downtown Traction Company

Electrified traction railroads were once a common form of freight transport for many towns, both large and small, in North America. They began to fall out of favour in the 1930s and 1940s as highways were improved and trucks became more reliable. Traction railroads and the locomotives used on them came in all shapes and sizes but generally shared a grimy and run-down industrial appearance.

The Downtown Traction Company represents a busy and thriving traction railroad moving freight cars around a downtown industrial area.

There are many interactive industries, permitting the use of most types of interactive freight cars. There is a small locomotive depot and a MoW yard. Lighting is provided for night time operations.

Despite the high level of detail, frame rates are excellent on a mid-range computer.

This route should appeal to those who like driving locomotives in either Cab or DCC mode, those who enjoy switching operations in a relatively confined but realistically portrayed environment, those who like interactive industries and fright cars, or those who just want to try a new item of rolling stock.

Three yellow markers between the rails represents an interactive industry. Freight cars will load and unload when spotted between the markers.
Two yellow markers represents a ProtoLARS industry. A complete train will load or unload after a one minute delay when one freight car is spotted between the markers. A locomotive does not need to be attached.

Detailed maps of the route are provided in a pdf file.

Phil Skene
Adelaide, South Australia
October 2009

Author: philskene

    Downtown Traction Company
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