VT98 VS996747
Author: Conny Lubing
- VT98 VS996747
- config.txt 10.10KB
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- vorhang.tga 192.02KB
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- vt98_farbe_dach1_f.tga 24.04KB
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- vt98_flaeche_front.tga 96.02KB
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- vt98_holz.tga 12.02KB
- vt98_holz_2.texture.txt 34 bytes
- vt98_holz_2.tga 12.02KB
- vt98_schwelle.texture.txt 36 bytes
- vt98_schwelle.tga 3.04KB
- vt98_seite.texture.txt 33 bytes
- vt98_seite.tga 192.02KB
- vt_spiegel.texture.txt 33 bytes
- vt_spiegel.tga 48.02KB
- vt_textur_01.texture.txt 35 bytes
- vt_textur_01.tga 192.02KB
- schatten.texture.txt 31 bytes
- schatten.tga 786 bytes
- vt98_shadow.im 9.91KB
kuid 69953 80020_art
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