VL15 - 044 B
Author: | EdMeN88 |
Kind: | traincar |
Build: | 3.7 |
Size: | 33.23MB |
Uploaded: | 2019-06-19 |
Loadings: |
VL15 - 044 B
- VL15 - 044 B
- config.txt 11.86KB
- beam_2-beam_2.texture.txt 47 bytes
- beam_2.tga 64.04KB
- beam__red-beam__red.texture.txt 53 bytes
- beam__red.tga 64.04KB
- buf-r.lm.txt 322 bytes
- buf-w-0.im 524 bytes
- buf-w-1.im 1.70KB
- buf-w-2.im 1.70KB
- buf-w-3.im 1.70KB
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- buf_f_5.im 552 bytes
- buf_f_6.im 552 bytes
- buf_l.im 5.89KB
- buf_l.lm.txt 316 bytes
- buf_r.im 5.89KB
- buf_r.lm.txt 316 bytes
- bufr_f_0.im 564 bytes
- bufr_f_1.im 564 bytes
- bufr_f_2.im 564 bytes
- bufr_f_3.im 564 bytes
- bufr_f_4.im 564 bytes
- bufr_f_5.im 564 bytes
- bufr_f_6.im 564 bytes
- light_beam-light_beam.texture.txt 55 bytes
- light_beam.tga 128.04KB
- llc.bmp 192.05KB
- llc.texture.txt 26 bytes
- projector_1.im 3.09KB
- projector_2.im 3.09KB
- projector_2.lm.txt 322 bytes
- projector_beam.im 1.38KB
- red.texture.txt 26 bytes
- red.tga 48.04KB
- redlight.im 1.19KB
- config.txt 580 bytes
- vl15_bf_rd.im 3.02KB
- zap.jpg 1.67MB
- zap.texture.txt 26 bytes
- config.txt 958 bytes
- lamp_tem-lamp_tem.texture.txt 31 bytes
- lamp_tem.jpg 113.04KB
- vl15_bf_wh.im 39.31KB
- zap.jpg 2.78MB
- zap.texture.txt 26 bytes
- cab_night.im 266.81KB
- vl15_inside.jpg 905.69KB
- vl15_inside.texture.txt 34 bytes
- vl15_vvk.jpg 1.57MB
- vl15_vvk.texture.txt 31 bytes
- anim.kin 5.82KB
- config.txt 614 bytes
- pant.jpg 2.00MB
- pant.texture.txt 27 bytes
- panto.im 310.77KB
- preview.jpg 28.70KB
- lamp_tem-lamp_tem.texture.txt 31 bytes
- lamp_tem.jpg 110.57KB
- proj_light.im 5.34KB
- zap.jpg 2.68MB
- compressor_run.wav 2.11MB
- compressor_start.wav 224.15KB
- compressor_stop.wav 587.93KB
- config.txt 966 bytes
- engine_start.wav 354.87KB
- engine_stop.wav 615.60KB
- idle 0.wav 520.75KB
- idle 1.wav 426.70KB
- tp_dn.wav 127.98KB
- tp_up.wav 127.98KB
- ventilator_run.wav 878.13KB
- ventilator_start.wav 943.46KB
- ventilator_stop.wav 1.39MB
- vl10_4a_loco_custom.gs 118 bytes
- attach_mesh.im 560 bytes
- vl85_art_512.texture.txt 73 bytes
- vl85_art_512.tga 1.00MB
- vl85_art_icon.texture.txt 75 bytes
- vl85_art_icon.tga 32.04KB
- ca3-ca3.texture.txt 26 bytes
- ca3.jpg 176.53KB
- d-e.texture.txt 37 bytes
- d.tga 12.02KB
- e.bmp 12.05KB
- krisha.jpg 1.96MB
- krisha.texture.txt 29 bytes
- kuzov.jpg 4.96MB
- kuzov.texture.txt 28 bytes
- lamp_tem-lamp_tem.texture.txt 31 bytes
- lamp_tem.jpg 71.32KB
- tm_couple.im 6.31KB
- tm_uncouple.im 8.15KB
- vl10_2.jpg 473.79KB
- vl10_2.texture.txt 29 bytes
- vl10_4.jpg 604.33KB
- vl10_4.texture.txt 29 bytes
- vl15_body.im 3.91MB
- vl15_inside.jpg 905.69KB
- vl15_inside.texture.txt 34 bytes
- vl15_stekla-vl15_stekla.texture.txt 34 bytes
- vl15_stekla.jpg 208.64KB
- vl15_stekla.texture.txt 34 bytes
- vl15_vvk.jpg 1.57MB
- vl15_vvk.texture.txt 31 bytes
- zap.jpg 1.72MB
- zap.texture.txt 26 bytes
- vl85_s.bmp 5.05KB
- vl85_s.im 80.27KB
- vl85_s.texture.txt 29 bytes
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