Transporting Goods-Passive


Map: Ohio Central-A Buckeye Route
Author: mcguirel
Kind: profile
Build: 2.6
Size: 102.42KB
Uploaded: 2019-09-17

Transporting Goods-Passive

The two objectives are to provide power for the industries and to make due on delivering crude to the Wilmont Paint Company. Remember, without power you can not meet the customer's large oil based paint order. Good Luck.

This session utilizes the Ohio Central - A Buckeye Route created by mcguirel (72938). The fictional basis is the area of North Central Ohio which at one time was a NKP stronghold.

The session can be modified for personal use only. In no manner can this session be basis for an additional DLS Session.

    Transporting Goods-Passive
  • config.txt 6.40KB
  • profile.dat 338.63KB
  • transporting goods passive session.jpg 85.21KB

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