Acela Express, First Class Coach
Author: | tolaris |
Kind: | traincar |
Build: | 1.3 |
Size: | 1.73MB |
Uploaded: | 2021-03-31 |
Web-site: | |
Loadings: |
Acela Express, First Class Coach
Acela Express
Amtrak unveiled the Acela brand on March 9, 1999. The name, conceived by the New York branding firm IDEO, is intended to reflect a combination of 'acceleration' and 'excellence'. The Acela brand now covers the entire range of NEC services and is not limited to the Acela Express service. The Acela Express name replaced the marketing name American Flyer, previously used by the Bombardier consortium.
The first Acela Express entered testing at the Pueblo, Colorado Transportation Test Center in mid 1999. The second, meanwhile, was in testing on the NEC. The trains were supposed to enter service in late 1999 and be phased in over the following year, but additional technical problems, first with excessive wheel wear and later with defective bolts and other assorted issues pushed back initial service to December 2000. The Acela Express cuts the Boston - New York run to 3:23 (from 4 to 5 hours), and the New York to Washington run (the territory of Amtrak's 125 mph Metroliners until the introduction of Acela) to 2:45 from three hours. Amtrak expects this to attract many customers who currently use airline shuttles or drive.
Author: Adam Wojcieszyk
- Acela Express, First Class Coach
- amtrak_acelaex_first_art_512.texture 1.33MB
- amtrak_acelaex_first_art_icon.texture 42.81KB
- 312.94KB
- back.texture 85.47KB
- env_nec.texture 85.47KB
- hull-hull.texture 1.33MB
- interior.texture 682.82KB
- interior_tile.texture 170.82KB
- joint.texture 21.46KB
- roof-flat-roof-flat.texture 10.80KB
- roof-roof.texture 21.48KB
- seat-seat.texture 85.49KB
- vent-vent.texture 42.81KB
- vent.texture 42.81KB
- window_ext-window_ext.texture 85.47KB
- window_int-window_int.texture 341.48KB
- 22.95KB
- black.texture 1.45KB
- config.txt 3.16KB
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